ALL ON X – Exocad Order Set Up and Workflow
In this article, we will go over the requirements for sending an All on X Case to us for Design using Exocad.
We can design All on X cases in Exocad Software, however, it is important to mention that in Exocad the order must be set up properly since it has some limitations.
- Please select the "Screw retained crown" under "Anatomical Crown" for the implant position tooth units.
Important! Make sure that each "Anatomical Crown" has this option selected on the next step:
- The Scan Body Scan option is mandatory, that would be the implant kit info, If the option for the implant module is not selected in Exocad, We will not be able to design the case.
- The gingiva is optional you can select the desired option on there.
2. Add the pontics for the remaining. For the pontic sites select "anatomical pontic"
Keep in mind this can widely vary depending on the type of workflow/implant system/position.
3. Add the bridge, the green dots mean they are connected.
Note: We must have either the Length of Centrals or an approved wax-up to base the design on.
If you are providing the Length of Centrals:
please type in the instruction box “LOC=”
If you are providing an approved wax-up:
Click on the design guide button and choose one of the following below.
We will also need the Material Type specified in the instructions box, i.e., Zirconia, PMMA, Wax, TriLor, or Pekkton. The design is based on the parameters set by the material you choose.
Once all steps have been completed you are ready to send. Just click on the blue paper airplane to send. The turnaround time is 24 Hours!
Please email Customer Support at or Chat with us for any further questions!