This article will go over how to get a free demo case to try out all the features automate has to offer:
1. Click on the "i" Symbol on the top right corner and select "Take the tour" from the dropdown menu:
2. From there you will get a small tutorial on the usage of the portal, just read through it and keep moving forward using the arrow button:
3. Once you get to this part the website will simulate a case being sent:
4. This demo order is particularly useful because you can use it to test all the features automate has to offer:
Feel free to navigate to the "Edit/View 3D" to access the built-in editor tool, from there you will get access to handy options like the "repair margins option" or the "add or remove" tool, please feel free to use this to get more familiar with the website and the tools it has to offer.
5. From that page you can also download the file using the extension or just download it as an STL file to check what kind of output it will provide:
Please note you can accept and download as many times as you want as this demo case will not generate any charge or require any balance to accept. So please feel free to utilize this feature to get used to the Automate workflow and test the different features it provides!
If you have any additional questions, please email Customer Support at or Chat or call us for further assistance!