Benefits of Sports Mouthguards:
Impact Absorption: They absorb and distribute the force of impacts to reduce the risk of tooth fractures, jaw injuries, and cuts to the soft tissues of the mouth.
Concussion Protection: They help mitigate the risk of concussions by lessening the impact on the jaw.
Dental Work Protection: They shield dental work and braces from damage.
Custom-Made Sports Guards
With this new offering, you have the ability to fully customize the fit and overall thickness of the Sports guard by using the indication specific design guide.
Sports Guard offset- This value determines the space between the internal aspect of the sports guard and the outer surface of the model/scan
Additional Blockout & Remove Block out options- This gives users the ability to add additional block out of necessary in cases that may have severe tooth rotation or deep undercuts
Sports Guard Impression- This option provides you with the ability to set specific impression depth along the occlusal surface
- Sports Guard Retention- This value determines the amount in which the border will engage into the undercut. (a smaller value translates to a more passive fit)
Sports Guard Tagging- This gives you the ability to ID tag your sports guard
Sports Guard opening- Value in which we will open the bite to accommodate for the interocclusal space requested.
Sports Guard Texture- This gives you the option to add a level of smoothness to the outer surfaces
Sports Guard Border- Our Sports Guards offers two unique border style's giving you the option to select the area in which the border will be placed.
As of today, our indication is specifically built off of the KeyGuard material.
Sports guards are priced the same as a regular splint. Please refer to your price list for details. 3Shape Design Service Platform - How to check Your Price List
Order Set Up
A 3Shape order is required.
Instructions for uploading your case to the platform:
1. Once you have created your case and your order is set up, do right-click on the case, click on "Advanced" and then "Export". Export the file as a complete 3Shape order – File and save it on your computer.
2. You will need to open Google Chrome and log into your 3Shape Design Service Account.
3. Drag and drop the compressed zipped folder you just exported to the 3Shape Design Service Portal.
4. Select Sports Guard as the Design Type.
Provide the additional information needed on the 3Shape
Design Service Portal:
1. Case Attributes
Name: Enter the name of the patient or pan/chart number in the name field.
Turnaround time: It will be predefined to 24 hours.
Additional Case Comments: You will need to fill in instructions that aren’t covered in the design guide selections
Require Design Approval: If you are using a third-party manufacturing option please check this box if you want to review and approve the files before they are sent to the manufacturer.
2. Case Instructions
Design Type: Select Sports Guard
Arches: Click on the "Arches" button to select upper or lower.
Design Guide Codes: Since we have design centers across the globe, typed instructions don’t always translate to what you are looking for. Our goal is to give you back your orders correctly the first time, so we created what we call design guide codes.
Click Here to Know How to Add Design Guide Codes when Sending a Case
Destination: Select the manufacturing destination that can be "In-House" or a third-party manufacturer.
Send the case for design:
Click on the blue paper airplane to submit case by case or click on "Send All Cases" to send several cases for design at the same time.
Once the case is designed you will get it back for review and all the files will be available for you to download.
Recommended Settings:
Splint Thickness: Minimum of 3mm, maximum of 5mm, with a recommended default of 4mm.
Minimum Local Thickness: Recommended default of occlusal 3mm and wall 2-3mm.
Offset from Teeth to Splint: Minimum 0mm, maximum 0.1mm, with a recommended default of 0.08mm.
Retention Value: Minimum 0mm, maximum 1mm, with recommended defaults of 0.01-0.03mm.
Border Placement: 2.5-3mm beyond the gingival margin.