Important Notes:
If you want a virtual reduction on the natural tooth and then obtain a shell crown, it is set as a temporary crown.
If you want a crown over the natural tooth - without making any dimension changes to the natural tooth - it is set as 'Temporary on prepared,' and then selected from 'Design over existing teeth'.
The Lucid team can also design these types of cases; just make sure to indicate in the instructions that it is a wax-up or temporary.
We don't offer digital wax-ups in Sirona over existing teeth. The only option we have for large-case digital wax-ups is under 3Shape.
Temporary Crowns
Temporary crowns are created when the model is unprepared—meaning no existing tooth preparations, ti-bases, or abutments are present. The software virtually prepares the selected tooth, generating a hollow crown based on that virtual preparation.
What to Expect:
The customer will receive a temporary single crown design. If a model design is required, it must be requested.
Temporary Pontics
With the temporary pontic option, the software automatically removes the selected tooth from the scan and designs a pontic in its place. This design can be adapted to fit the gingiva, often featuring an ovate shape that overlaps the tissue.
What to Expect:
The customer will receive a pontic design fitted to the specifications provided. It is typically designed for unprepared scans.
Temporary on Prepared
This option is used when designing temporary restorations for empty (prepared) spaces. Similar to a temporary pontic, the design fills the space with a pontic shape. However, if a temporary on-prepared is selected and the tooth is still present in the scan, the design will be created over the existing tooth, either by virtually extracting or adjusting it. Minimum thickness requirements are taken into consideration.
What to Expect:
The customer will receive a pontic-style design over the prepared area or an existing tooth, depending on the scan setup.
Tabletop Design
The tabletop design is typically used for mockups or caps placed over the existing teeth in the scan. Similar to a crown design, it does not require an officially prepped tooth. The design accounts for minimum thickness based on the chosen material. Insertion direction issues may cause open margins, depending on tooth contours.
What to Expect:
The customer will receive a tabletop design, ideal for mockups. There is a possibility of open margins due to the nature of the design, but these can be minimized with proper instructions.
Temporary on Prepared = Temporary Pontic/Tabletop
Temporary on prepared setups can yield similar results to temporary pontic or tabletop designs, depending on the codes selected. This option can simplify the process by reducing errors and eliminating the need to mark margins, as required in the pontic and tabletop setups.
Key Points:
For temporary pontic, digitally extracting the tooth creates the necessary empty space.
For tabletop designs, using the "design over existing" setting allows customization of hollowed designs.
Important Reminders:
No Model Included by Default: These design types do not automatically provide a model. If a model is required, it must be specified during the order setup.
Thickness Consideration: Minimum thickness and proper insertion direction are critical for a successful design, particularly for tabletop and temporary on-prepared setups.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our Customer Support team.
You can email us at, call us at +1 602-688-4133, or use our Live Chat feature, available Monday - Friday, from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm (MST).
For International Support, please contact us at +44 159-572-8586, available Monday - Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (CET).