Here is a breakdown of what each order status means:
Sent For Design - When an order is “sent for design” this means your case has been sent successfully but has not yet been started by our design team.
Design In Progress - When your order is in “design in progress” your case has been downloaded by the design team and is in the process of design.
Rush Designs - You will see an order in this status when you pay for rush design services. Your case will be designed faster than the standard turnaround time. Depending on the indication we offer 6 hours and 2-hour rush.
On Hold - If you find a case with an “on hold” status there is an issue with your case that will require your attention before the design can be done.
Hold Released - After you have addressed the issue with your on-hold case the order will be moved to “hold released” status and we will proceed with your design.
Redesign - If there is any modification you would like us to make you will submit your case for a redesign. You will find this case in the redesign status until the changes are made by the design team.
Needs Approval - Some cases require design approval before you can download them or send them to a manufacturer or this is also used when a case needs to be sent to another person/3rd party for revision. Cases that require approval will be found in the “needs approval” status.
Sent For Approval - 3Shape Design Services gives you the ability to send the case for 3rd party approval. If you use this feature the case will move into the “sent for approval” status.
Sent To Manufacturer - 3Shape Design Services has over 30 integrated manufacturing partners. If you choose to outsource your case then this status will let you know when we have sent your order to the manufacturer.
At Manufacturer - Now that you have sent your order to a manufacturer, this status will inform you when they have downloaded your case.
Shipped - Congratulations! Your order has been successfully sent, designed, and manufactured and is on its way to you!
Ready For Download - This status is used when you are going to manufacture your case in-house. Once a design has been completed you will download the files from here.
Cases will automatically move to complete after 10 days of being in the ready-for-download folder.
Canceled - You or someone from the 3Shape Design Services team has canceled your case.
Complete - Orders in this status mean your cases have been designed and manufactured. This status helps you to keep your cases organized.
Cases will automatically get archived after 7 days of being in the complete folder.
If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to our Customer Support team.
You can email us at, call us at +1 602-688-4133, or use our Live Chat feature, available Monday - Friday, from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm (MST).
For International Support, please contact us at +44 159-572-8586, available Monday - Friday, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm (CET).