In this article, we will go over how to send Exocad orders to the Automate platform
There are 2 different ways to send an Exocad order to the automate website.
- Uploading an Exocad Design project order from Exocad design software
- Uploading a .dentalproject file format from a scanner
For Exocad Design Software orders:
Step 1: Create your order form with only posterior crown units selected. Once complete click save.
* If anteriors, bridges, models, etc are selected Automate will reject the case.
Step 2: Click on the 'Open in explorer' button. This will open your current case in the CAD-DATA folder
* The files in the CAD-DATA folder need to be as shown below. Please note the scans need to be labeled as UpperJaw and LowerJaw respectively.
Step 3: Click on CAD-DATA in the folder path and it will highlight the case you are working on. This folder needs to be zipped up. Nothing should be removed from the folder.
Zip the folder by right-clicking, then click on 'Send to' then click on 'Compressed zipped folder'
Step 4: Open Set your design preferences and turnaround time before dragging and dropping your zipped folder to the site.
For .dentalproject Orders:
Step 1: Export out the .dentalproject format from your scanning source.
Step 2: Zip the folder by right-clicking, then click on 'Send to' then click on 'Compressed zipped folder
Step 3: Open Select the box 'Exocad orders only: Manage material settings in Automate'
Step 4: Choose the material you want Automate to design the order in.
You can edit the material settings, delete materials, and add new materials in your setting section of Automate.
Step 5: Set your design preferences, turnaround time, and MATERIAL before dragging and dropping your zipped folder to the site.
No matter which way you send them, Your orders cannot be brought back into your Exocad software to be edited. You will have the ability to edit you orders during the review process. You can Add, Remove, and Smooth material.
Once you accept and download the finished design you will have the STL, PTS, and Solo die files for each crown.
Please email Customer Support at or Chat with us for any further questions!